impact image


The WYSIWYG tool stands for What You See Is What You Get.  It is called this because with this tool, you will get the option for a title and a blank text box to put your content in.  This tool has the least amount of pre-styling done to it and will allow you to have the most control over what your content looks like.  A very large protioin of our website is contructed using this tool.  It is important to note, while this tool allows for a lot of customization, it also requires the most work on your end as a content editor since there is little to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

people in a group

Message from the Founding Program Director

Welcome and thank you for visiting the webpage for the Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD) at Lincoln Memorial University (LMU). Founded in 1897, LMU has a rich tradition in delivering a comprehensive values-based learning community dedicated to providing quality educational experiences at the undergraduate, graduate, and professional levels. The LMU OTD program is housed within the DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine- Knoxville campus located in West Knoxville, Tennessee, alongside many other healthcare programs, such as, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) and Master of Medical Science in Physician Assistant Studies (PA).

The innovative LMU OTD curriculum prepares our graduates to excel in their career. The threads woven throughout the curriculum are critical thinking, client-centered care, evidenced based practice, and collaborative care. Being positioned within a health sciences campus,asdfccupational therapy's distinct value as part of the interdisciplinary healthcare team.

Our faculty is comprised of renowned academicians and occupational therapists, recognized both nationally and internationally for their work as professors, clinicians, and leaders. We are committed in providing our OTD students the best graduate experience possible! Our state-of-the-art facilities will rival those across the nation. Our classroom and laboratory spaces are designed to bridge education and practice, better preparing you for your rewarding career as a Doctor of Occupational Therapy!

Please, feel free to peruse our webpage. If you would like to learn more about our program, please email us at or attend one of our Open House events.



Link that opens in a new window.

Dr. HughesFAQs

Within this first example, we have constructed some paragraphs.  We have also embedded a video from the LMU YouTube account. In addition to this, we have aslo include some clickable links and buttons to improve our user engagement.


In this second example, we have embedded a form from our Formstack account.  This is a great way to up user engagement on your website and allow them to complete applications and other necessary forms without needing to leave your webpage.  If there is a form you want to embed on your webpage and you do not have access to Formstack, you can put in a work order for for the Webmaster and you will be provided with the embed code you need.


In this 3rd example, we have embedded a booklet that was created for us through a 3rd party company.  If there is a booklet/pamphlet already made that you want to add to your page, put in a work order for the Webmaster and you will receive the embed code you need.  If you want to have one created, that would have to be done by the marketing team.

It is also possible to add a static map.  A static map will display a smaller version of the full interactive map that is focused on a specific location.  For instance, here is a static map focused on the Duke Hall of Citizenship:

campus map layout

This gives the user a snapshot of a specific location that is also still interactable.  By clicking on the location in the image, the user will open up the full scale map, with the selected location marked, and be able to examine the full campus and this specific location all without leaving your webpage.

If you have any questions you cannot find the answer to, feel free to reach out directly for clarification.

Contact Information:

Phone Ext. 6775

Create Your Future
LMU is ready to assist you in your academic journey!